Scripts tagged #female protagonist
Genre: Comedy,Drama,Animation
A mischievous high school student faces a chaotic new reality after a horrific creature known as a wulver leaves her with the ability to become a wulver herself. Now she and her two best friends struggle for survival as maintaining this secret means keeping herself alive.
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5 years ago | reviews | 32 pages
Genre: Drama,History,Thriller
Under British-ruled Ireland, Irish Catholic servant Reanna O’Neil is forced to flee for her life when, in self-defense, she kills her attacker, a British noble. His son-in-law, hot on her heels and out for blood, will stop at nothing to “Make the Irish slattern pay!”.
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5 years ago | reviews | 106 pages
Genre: Drama,History,Thriller
Under British-ruled Ireland, Irish Catholic servant Reanna O’Neil is forced to flee for her life when, in self-defense, she kills her attacker, a British noble. His son-in-law, hot on her heels and out for blood, will stop at nothing to “Make the Irish slattern pay!”.
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4 years ago | reviews | 106 pages

Honey Mustard feature

Genre: Horror
A retro 80's style, home-invasion slasher about an unhinged waitress who stalks and torments a man and his family after not being tipped. But this isn't just any ordinary family.... Don't Breathe meets You're Next.
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4 years ago | 1 reviews | 91 pages

Honey Mustard feature

Genre: Horror
A retro 80's style, home-invasion slasher about an unhinged waitress who stalks and torments a man and his family after not being tipped. But this isn't just any ordinary family.... Don't Breathe meets You're Next.
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4 years ago | reviews | 91 pages

Honey Mustard feature

Genre: Horror
After being stiffed, an unhinged waitress, hellbent on revenge, torments the customer who didn't tip her and his surprisingly resourceful family. "Don't Breathe" meets "Joker".
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4 years ago | 6 reviews | 93 pages

Honey Mustard feature

Genre: Horror
After being stiffed, an unhinged waitress, hellbent on revenge, torments the customer who didn't tip her and his surprisingly resourceful family. "Don't Breathe" meets "Joker".
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4 years ago | 1 reviews | 93 pages

Emeralds feature

Genre: Action/Adventure
A determined, but gullible teenage girl seeks justice and revenge in a dystopian world fuelled by greed and corruption.
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4 years ago | 1 reviews | 92 pages
Genre: Drama,History,Thriller
Under British-ruled Ireland, Irish Catholic servant Reanna O’Neil is forced to flee for her life when, in self-defense, she kills her attacker, a British noble. His son-in-law, hot on her heels and out for blood, will stop at nothing to “Make the Irish slattern pay!”.
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4 years ago | reviews | 112 pages
Genre: Action/Adventure,Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Chased by a superhuman killer, a young woman discovers that her dark past may have a connection with a mysterious electromagnetic event that allows all life to exist, the Resonance.
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4 years ago | 1 reviews | 53 pages
Genre: Action/Adventure,Sci-Fi/Fantasy
A young woman discovers that her dark past may have a connection with the Resonance, a mysterious electromagnetic event that sustains the disembodied sentient consciousness of all life that ever existed.
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3 years ago | reviews | 54 pages
Genre: Comedy,Thriller
A plucky, young reporter makes a chilling discovery during her first day working at a TV news station.
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3 years ago | 1 reviews | 40 pages
Genre: Action/Adventure,Sci-Fi/Fantasy
A young woman discovers that her dark past may have a connection with the Resonance, a mysterious electromagnetic event that sustains the disembodied sentient consciousness of all life that ever existed.
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3 years ago | 1 reviews | 54 pages
Genre: Drama,Comedy
Faced with overwhelming challenges, a young woman escapes her personal life and enters the world of online modeling.
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2 years ago | 2 reviews | 61 pages
Genre: Drama,Comedy
Faced with overwhelming hardship, a young woman escapes her personal life and enters the world of online modeling.
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2 years ago | 5 reviews | 61 pages

Contestant feature

Genre: Thriller,Horror,Mystery/Suspense
A finalist in a prestigious playwriting competition struggles with defining reality when the things around her stop making sense.
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2 years ago | reviews | 142 pages

Contestant feature

Genre: Thriller,Horror,Mystery/Suspense
A finalist in a prestigious playwriting competition struggles with defining reality when the things around her stop making sense.
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2 years ago | reviews | 142 pages

Contestant feature

Genre: Thriller,Horror,Mystery/Suspense
A finalist in a prestigious playwriting competition struggles with defining reality when the things around her stop making sense.
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2 years ago | 1 reviews | 142 pages
Genre: Crime,Mystery/Suspense,Thriller
A Midwestern woman starting her dream job in NYC, finds herself the main suspect in a killing spree, that includes her snobby co-workers.
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2 years ago | 2 reviews | 98 pages

Chingona feature

Genre: Comedy,Crime
On the verge of breaking a story that could take down a powerful, but scandalous Hollywood producer, an ambitious Mexican-American journalist crosses paths with a blacklisted writer looking to revive his floundering career.
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1 year ago | reviews | 120 pages

Chingona feature

Genre: Comedy,Crime
On the verge of breaking a story that could take down a powerful, but scandalous Hollywood producer, an ambitious Mexican-American journalist crosses paths with a blacklisted writer looking to revive his floundering career.
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1 year ago | reviews | 119 pages

The Balance feature

Genre: Family,Drama,Comedy
A fiery mother of five surviving on food stamps coordinates her husband’s triathlon dreams of 100 consecutive Iron Mans, fighting off public backlash, saboteurs, life-threatening injuries, and losing custody of her children in the process. Based on a true story.
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5 months ago | reviews | 114 pages

Kiss Me feature

Genre: Thriller
A strip dancer is on a quest for revenge on the psychiatrist that ruined her childhood...
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3 months ago | 2 reviews | 127 pages



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